Humor vs The Vatican

Posted by Jay | 9/11/2008 10:33:00 AM | , | 0 comments »

Comedian Sabina Guzzanti 'insulted Pope' in poofter devils gag

I didn't know jokes about the Pope are illegal in Italy. To be honest, I thought the joke was funny. Maybe the comedian should move to a place....where speech is protected from government.

On the one hand, she openly broke the law. On the other hand, her speech was neither harmful, nor threatening to the Pope's power. I'm sure there are worse crimes in Italy than a joke about "His Holiness" being sodomized by demons. How about organized crime? I think the mafia is more dangerous to government stability than a joke.
Minister: Organized crime link to soccer violence

I mean, really. It's a joke..... about gay demons.

There is no such thing as demons, gay or otherwise!

Well, there is no God either, but why split hairs? Lighten up Vatican. Drink some blessed wine, and relax.