Hillary is projected to win big in Kentucky and West Virginia. Why is this? Both states have a high percentage of people whom vote for social issues. Issues such as gay marriage, gun control, etc. They also fit Hillary's demographic.

"There was just an AP article posted that found how Sen. Obama's support among hardworking Americans, white Americans is weakening again, and how the whites in both states that have not completed college were supporting me," Clinton said in a USA Today interview May 7. (CNN)

Obama acknowledged she will win both states by double digits.

West Virginia is a coal state. It is asserted by CNN that the liberals could use Bushonomics as a tool to win votes. However, coal is performing well as is West Virginia's economy by extension.

Since the democrats can't use Bushonomics as an excuse to hate conservatives, they'll have to use other fear tactics. Especially when the conservative nominee is a white male war veteran.

What does this mean? It means Clinton will have a stronger argument for getting on the ticket as Barrack's running mate. The argument being that she'll offset some of the "scary black male liberal is going to take away your guns and send your money to big oil" image she portayed Obama as during the primary. Obama will either have to use Clinton as a running mate to gain the working class white vote, or find a "true" moderate democrat.